Servicios Creativos is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt, public nonprofit of the United States of America, that connects donors with key individuals and organizations engaged in community transformation around the world. We’ve been privileged to do so since 2022.
EIN Number: 88-2641833
Servicios Creativos is located at:
Street Address: 7901 4th St. N. Ste. 10546, St. Petersburg, FL 33702, USA
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3155, Dunnellon, FL 34430
Phone: +1-407-490-1836
Financial and other information about Servicios Creativos purposes, programs, and activities can be obtained by contacting Mike Goddard at P.O. Box 3155, Dunnellon, FL 34430 USA or by email at
*Charitable organization registration license number is available upon request.
*A financial statement of the charitable organization disclosing assets, liabilities, fund balances, revenue, and expenses for the preceding fiscal year will be provided to any person upon request.